Raising kids …

Raising kids… is becoming increasingly skilled at transforming into a horse, a climbing tree, a slide or whatever the imagination of your toddler is up to!

I am often amazed at the set of extra skills you obtain when you join the club of parents. Again so a couple of days ago when I was relaxing in the couch and my daughter, longing or some playtime with her daddy, came up to me and asked me to be her slide.

For those who can’t imagine how that goes, picture yourself slumped in the couch, you then tighten your body muscles to get as straight as you can. Your daughter of 4 then jumps on the couch, climbs on your chest, legs hanging on both sides and just slides down the daddy-slide. It’s not as smooth a slide as on the playground, but my daughter surely enjoys it just as much.

Just wondering now whether to add these on my CV next to the set of skills of turning into a lion, crocodile, swing, airplane … Maybe I’ll just write that I’m constantly developing my skills of raising kids.

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