A perfect mothers day present

My daughter’s mothers day present turned out different than planned.

Tomorrow it’s mothers day and -as most kids her age-Victoria made a mothers day present for me and learned a poem. During the week we’ve heard the poem a couple of times a day. That week all conversations turned around the the mothers day present she did.

Friday was the day she took the mothers day present home and she hid it behind her back all the way from school as I was not supposed to see it. She was super enthusiastic to give me this mothers day present and was playing with my curiosity:

“Mommy, do you think I have a mothers day present for you?” … “Can you guess what your mothers day present is?” … “I’m not showing you the mothers day present”…

When we got home with her mothers day  present, she put the present under the sofa and made me look for it all over the house but strictly prohibited me to look under the sofa 😉

We were supposed to sleep 2 more nights before I could open my mothers day present on Sunday, but that did not quite work out. After lots of fun Friday evening with taking the present and hiding it over and over again, on Saturday morning Victoria gave me my mothers day present to open it. She told me that it is OK to open it as long as we don’t tell daddy, because daddy will tell it to Juf Hilde – her teacher from school – that we opened my mothers day present earlier and that would not be good.

My mothersday present

Anyway, I happily opened the mothers day present to find that they have made a scent box at school. It was nicely decorated with pink flowers on the top and painted pieces on the side and of course some nice smelling dried flowers inside. Victoria explained me that this was for the toilet or the kitchen so she asked me to choose where she should put it. I told her I’d like to have it in the toilet so she went there and few minutes later she came back with the empty box. From the fact that I did hear the toilet flushing just before, I kind of understood what happened, but I still asked Victoria where she had put the flowers. And she replied very serene: “In the toilet mommy, just like you said.” Well yeah … just like I said.

So this mother’s day present did not turn out how it was supposed to be, but instead I received a nice box decorated by my daughter and one of the funniest memories I have with my kids. What a perfect mothers day present!

What was your favorite mothers day present you received from your kids?

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4 Responses to A perfect mothers day present

  1. Pingback: Teaching kids about patience and sharing - Outnumbered

  2. Tina says:

    What a beautiful present, and such a funny story around it. Make sure you keep these posts for when Victoria is older, she can laugh herself 🙂

  3. Jiji says:

    Awesome story! 🙂

  4. fred says:

    Note to self: kids may take instructions literally. Valuable lesson 🙂 great story …

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