Colored Spaghetti, a Fun Pasta Craft for Kids

An activity for all ages with colored spaghetti – fun, colorful and a bit messy, check out this fun pasta craft for kids of different ages.

This time for our weekend play activity project I experimented for the first time with food coloring to make a sensory play activity with colored spaghetti. I’ll call it our fun past a craft instead of our fun pasta eating 🙂

Discovering the colored spaghetti

What you need for this fun pasta craft with kids:

  • Pasta -I used about 500g of spaghetti. but you can also use some leftover pasta from the previous dinner for this activity.
  • Food coloring
  • different pots for mixing the colors
  • A bit of oil

While the kids were having their breakfast I boiled the spaghetti, split them in different pots and mixed in the food coloring and a bit of oil.   It all went quite smooth, the only hick up was that I actually used much more food coloring than I thought I  would. But the result looked fantastic!

Colored spaghetti in the play corner

I put the pot with the colored spaghetti in the “kids corner” in our living room for my kids to discover. I also placed baby Elena on a pregnancy pillow so she could be close to the action and then i waited to see what will the two older kids do.

First experimenting with the new toy

Victoria spotted the new intriguing object very fast and came close. Lukas joined in and a few seconds later they were enthusiastically mixing the spaghetti and discovering their new toy. True sensory play and lots of fun. First they discovered that spaghetti can stick to the hands …

sticky spaghetti

… then they tasted them and they found that, although funny looking, they still taste like spaghetti.

tasting the colored spaghetti

Victoria exercised her fine motor skills and tried unsuccessfully to make a knot …

making a knot from spaghetti is difficult

… then she tried making spaghetti balls, but also without much success.

Lets squeeze the colored spaghetti

The kids had tons of fun and so did I! And this turns out a great activity that no matter the age, they can all three play with.

After a morning of spaghetti delight, i put some of the colored pasta in the freezer, to be stored for another messy playing experience later on. And I covered the leftover with a plastic foil so they won’t dry and so we can play with them later on during the weekend.

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One Response to Colored Spaghetti, a Fun Pasta Craft for Kids

  1. Pingback: Colored spaghetti fun sensory play for kids of different agesOutnumbered

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