15 great black & white ideas for babies…

Babies love high contrast objects in the first months of their life

You probably heard it before. Newborn babies don’t see so well and their sight rapidly develops in the first months of their life. Before their sight is completely developped, they love to watch, or better say ‘stare’, at high contrast patterns. And what gives higher contrast than black & white shapes?

collection of black & white toys and objects
All 3 my kids loved it. Well, they didn’t admit so themselves. But the countless hours they’ve stared at those things is sufficient proof to me 🙂

Curious how you can bring some fascinating black & white into your baby’s young life? I’ve gathered a selection of 15 toys and ideas on our high contrast board on Pinterest. You can find there stuff such as:

  • Printable Black & White pages (free for personal use)
  • Ideas to make your own black & white objects
  • Toys combining black & white on one side and colorfull patterns on the other, so you can use them for different age periods of your baby

Do you have any other great black & white baby toys or ideas? Share them with us so we can add them to the board!

baby looking at black and white side of freddie the firefly

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